
Lynn Anne has been working in clay 31 years! She is a 1994 Penn State University graduate with a Bachelors of Arts in Film and Video production. Her love of clay developed during her senior year at Penn State when she took two semesters of wheel throwing.

She pursued clay in NYC for 17 years and received her MFA in Ceramics in 2011 from SUNY New Paltz. She is highly qualified 

in all technical aspects of pottery making.  She teaches everything from hand-building to mold-making and slip-casting.  She has extensive wood firing experience as well as electric, gas and soda-firing. Lynn Anne thrived in this artistic environment. Living in the City and being immersed in arts there gave her perspective; Lynn Anne has much to offer budding artists. She relocated back to central PA after her second child was born. Lynn Anne was born and raised in Philipsburg, Pennsylvania. Growing up in this rural area gave her a close connection with the rhythms of nature;an earthy sensibility can be seen in her work as an artist.

Lynn Anne is also a Galaxy Teaching Artist for Pennsylvania’s Arts in Education program. She does many visual arts residencies in Clearfield, Centre, Clinton, and Huntingdon counties.  

Lynn Anne creates in her home studio where she bisque fires her pots, getting them ready for atmospheric firings in kilns using wood, soda or salt. 

Lynn Anne is about to open a community art space with her partner Adrienne in downtown Philipsburg! ARTery will be a place to make art, teach art and promote a love of art. ARTery will be a place for folks to take refuge in making art and finding a sense of community. We plan to host art exhibitions in the gallery space and will have an art shop with affordable artwork by local artists.

Lynn Anne Verbeck Ceramics is also the home of L.A. Clay Studio, where classes are offered at The Makery in State College, PA. Lynn Anne is the Resident Instructor of Ceramics at The Makery.

“Teaching gives me great joy! I learn as much from the students as they learn from me!” — LA Verbeck